Right behind me, up in the clear blue yummy sky is a machine. Clearly set apart from its likes. Goes by the identity V8. You can hear the whirl of the powerful blades as they cut through the wind from a distance. Self driven powerful whirls resulting in cool air and presumed megawatts in a continuous pace.
I would have shown you a clear picture of this machine but somebody decided to relieve me off my burdens in form of my phone covering for the to-have-been-bought camera. So I will do the best to draw that picture in your mind.
I would have shown you a clear picture of this machine but somebody decided to relieve me off my burdens in form of my phone covering for the to-have-been-bought camera. So I will do the best to draw that picture in your mind.
Just like it's counterparts in the motor industry, the Toyota V8 and Lexus V8, it is set apart by not only by the performance but also by the looks (look up Lexus V8 supercharged in an earlier post). V8 is magnanimous and meticulously gigantic like it's ready to stomp and give somebody a run for their money, you know the way it happens in desert races in Dubai(I see it everyday in my dreams). Every of its like in the V series have a crossed heart sign as if to forbid love and adoption but V8 had no such sign clearing giving me a chance of admiration.
My cameraman (read phoneman also my partner in this crime) agrees with my thoughts about V8 seems spirited in its mandate both to the creator and to us.
So we enjoyed the chill and some food under the large shadow cast by V8 and I couldn't resist to share the goodness and the likeness. I'll probably add a V8 to my name and live up the greatness.

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